Contact Robbin Farr for her availability and additional information.


Robbin Farr is available for the following presentations to your organization via Zoom or other communication platform.

It’s Politics as Usual. Right?

Talk or talk with discussion. A presentation with PowerPoint visuals from an editor’s perspective on publishing political poetry. Topics in the 30 minute session include working definitions, historical and current poets, genre specific characteristics, and example poems from the issues of River Heron Review and/or in other current circulation. 30 ~ 45 minutes.


The Power of a Good Title

Talk with participation. This presentation with PowerPoint visuals instructs the audience on the importance of a strong poem title. The discussion and participation allow for practice and feedback. Included are types of titles, tension, and model poems, along with methods by which to achieve the much sought after “perfect” title. 45 ~ 60 minutes.


Organize Your Writing Life!

Available Summer 2025

Talk or talk with discussion. From the experience and perspective of neat-freak, poet, and editor, a presentation with PowerPoint visuals on how to organize the elements of a writing life. Topics include a writer’s space, writing rituals, electronic filing system, keeping track of submissions, preparing a bio and author’s photo, and more. Especially appropriate for new and novice writers. 45 ~ 60 minutes.