Become Echo

from Author
from Amazon

ISBN: 978-1639887279
Price: $15 + shipping from author
$15.99 + shipping from Amazon
Pages: 66
Publication Date: December 12, 2022

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Venmo: @Robbin-Farr
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Doylestown, PA 18902

In her first book, Become Echo, Robbin Farr takes us through the core and chaos of conflicting emotions wrought by the never quite certain dissolution of a difficult relationship to its surprising conclusion. It shows the impact our imperfect understanding of the complexity love has on the psyche. In a series of vignettes of place and time, the speaker replays pivotal events that haunt with their palpable longing and desire. By reframing and reviewing these stories from different angles, the poems evoke the mind’s circuitous work of seeking resolution. In this concise volume, we experience the process of reconciliation of insistent feelings that drive the body and fool the mind, and in doing so, we become witness to the very real urgency love demands of us.

A lover crisp as a white shirt becomes a rumpled lover; a lover in a red scarf becomes a memory of a red scarf. In these gorgeous poems of love, loss, and immanence, Robbin Farr finds our beautiful, messy desires.    - Alan Michael Parker

Interrogating the endless human experience of love and loss, Robbin Farr’s gorgeous debut sings out, sings back.  With heart-quick stems, goldflash koi, and sunspot yellow, her poems offer the attention we crave.    - Sally Keith

These delicate poems echo and illuminate how elusive words can be in the face of loss even as they capture how memory and absence— those open spaces—speak to one another in a language of gaps and gleaming fragments that reverberate and console.   - Hayden Saunier

Read “Become Echo: Q & A with Robbin Farr, Poet” at Joanell Serra’s Blog.